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Goal 1

Student will demonstrate preference for increased # of partners and topic

Ways to Refuse ◊ Ways to Obtain ◊ Ways to Engage Socially


Many of our learners have restricted access to their environment due to physical and sensory impairments. They are often dependent on their partners for opportunities to learn more about their world. Partner’s efforts to expand and repeat these experiences can increase the learners interests and ultimately provide them with reasons to communicate. “Generalization is promoted when multiple communication partners are involved as intervention agents,” (National Joint Committee on the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities, 2016). 


Transdisciplinary IEP Goal Examples

Student will demonstrate improved visual and fine motor coordination by using a visually guided reach to obtain classroom materials as measured by OT and teacher of students with visual impairments.

During a variety of classroom activities, student will activate a switch for a preferred stimulus at 75% above baseline as measured by OT and/or SLP documentation.

Student will demonstrate a preference by differentiated rate of switch activation for preferred vs non-preferred reinforcer,  with at least 50% more activations for preferred across 3 consecutive sessions, as measured by SLP and/or OT documentation.

Student will demonstrate desire to reinstate familiar social or object interactions when engaged by 2 new partners, 4 out of 5 trials, as measured by teacher and SLP documentation.

Student will demonstrate desire to reinstate or request more of 3 new interactions initiated by a partner, as measured by SLP documentation.


Tools and Assessments

Reinstatement Activity Formtracking form to collect data on child’s attempts to reinstate partner initiated activity.

Like and Dislikes form and video from Washington Sensory Disabilities Services